| 1. | 500hpa 72 - hr upper air forecast weather map - geopotential height 72小时500百帕斯卡高空预测天气图-位势高度 |
| 2. | 500hpa 24 - hr upper air forecast weather map - geopotential height 24小时500百帕斯卡高空预测天气图-位势高度 |
| 3. | 500hpa 36 - hr upper air forecast weather map - geopotential height 36小时500百帕斯卡高空预测天气图-位势高度 |
| 4. | On the key regions of 500 hpa geopotential heights over northern hemisphere in winter 陕西省冬季气候变化特征及其与北半球大气环流的关系 |
| 5. | Monthly normals of temperature at different geopotential heights at 00 utc 1961 - 1990 协调世界时零时各位势高度的正常月平均温度1961 - 1990 |
| 6. | Monthly normals of relative humidity at different geopotential heights at 00 utc 1961 - 1990 协调世界时零时各位势高度的正常月平均相对湿度1961 - 1990 |
| 7. | Mean 500 hpa geopotential height for july 2002 . the red arrow shows the direction of the steering flow for tropical cyclones 二零零二年七月500百帕斯卡的平均位势高度,红色箭咀为热带气旋引导气流的方向。 |
| 8. | Mean 500 hpa geopotential height for the months of july from 1961 to 1990 . the red arrow shows the direction of the steering flow for tropical cyclones 一九六一至一九九零年七月份500百帕斯卡的平均位势高度,红色箭咀为热带气旋引导气流的方向。 |
| 9. | From 500 - hpa geopotential height maps , one can depict important weather systems on the large scale , e . g . subtropical ridge or long - wave troughs in the westerlies 从500百帕斯卡的位势高度图,可清楚检视大尺度的重要天气系统,例如西风长波槽或副热带高压脊等等。 |
| 10. | At the same time , sea - ice anomaly of hudson bay in may produced anomaly of geopotential height over greenland in spring , and height anomaly would continued to summer 同时哈得孙湾5月海冰的多少会造成格陵兰及其周围地区的高度场异常,这种异常从春季持续到夏季。 |